When Pastor Dave Roberson first introduced these revelations, we were all surprised at the seemingly endless connection of truths he brought forth from the scriptures. He said God told him that all he ever looked for could be found in these revelations. Many of us at the FPC in... Read More →
As I set out to travel to Trujillo by bus, I found the main road (Pan American Highway) was closed to all traffic. “What’s going on?” I called the Pastor who invited me to come teach the pastors and believers the walk of the spirit. “We are all Rhema students and have had a... Read More →
The Holy Spirit arrives on earth in power. Dunamis =Power/ anointing (HS) (Acts 2: 1-13) Jesus leaves disciples with authority. Exousia=Authority (NN) Mk 16: 16-18 Peter preaches the gospel of Power citing the prophecy from the Old Testament prophet Joel. (Acts 2: 17-21)... Read More →
Jesus taught us in parables. A parable is an example of something natural that explains a spiritual truth. Chuck the Duck One day an egg rolled from the nest of a duck to the nest of a chicken. Chuck was born. When he awoke he saw his mother and his brothers and... Read More →