The Walk of the Spirit – The Walk of Power (Ps. Dave Robertson)
The Door to Another World
Are you hungry for a closer walk with God? If you are, then get ready to explore some new territory that can help lead you to your destination! In this book, Dave Roberson shares profound scriptural insight on the revelation gift of praying in tongues, the key that unlocks what he calls “the door to another world.”
What will you find in this “other world?” Divine mysteries just waiting to be discovered by the hungry heart. Mysteries regarding the eternal truths of God’s Word. Mysteries about God’s perfect plan for your life. Mysteries designed to help you break out of a perpetual cycle of defeat.
So get ready! You’re about to be handed a precious key that will unlock these divine mysteries and lead you into a walk of power with God – the priceless gift of praying in tongues!
About the Author
After a supernatural encounter with God in 1973 that could not be ignored, Dave left his job in an Oregon sawmill to answer God’s call to the ministry. Since then, he has preached the Gospel with signs following in nations around the world, through church meetings, citywide crusades, and pastors’ seminars.
In 1990, Dave also began pastoring the Family Prayer Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Whether home or abroad, Dave’s ministry has always been marked by a free flow of spiritual gifts and by outstanding creative miracles and emotional healings as he teaches others to hunger after a deeper, more vital walk with God. Dave Roberson Ministries