History of Peru
The history of Peru covers continuously more than 13 millennia of human occupation. The first human groups would have come towards the end of the glacial period to the 11th Millennium BC as hunter and gatherers whose descendants began to develop the horticulture to the 8th Millennium BC. Since then a scaling down began on the social and cultural complexity of the peoples of the region, which gave rise to the old Peru. Towards the IV Millennium BC there appeared on the central coast the first societies with monumental architecture of the old Peru that wove a vast trade network linking products from the Amazonian and Ecuadorian coasts.
They formed the Caral-Supe culture, which continued until1800 b.c. and then gave way to new populations in the North and South coast with the rise of Cupisniquey to the later predecessors of Chavin, an important cultural center known as the agricultural societies of this time up to 200 a.c.
The Chavin were known for their first militarized state of the Moche in the North and the Nazca in the South and emerged in parallel to the rise of Tiahuanaco in the Highlands. Towards the year 600, there arose in the area of Ayacucho the Huari culture, rooted in the development of the terraces for the cultivation of corn, which showed advanced development and a remarkable influence of Tiahuanaco and Nazca. The Huari expanded gradually through the Andes to the north up to Cajamarca. At the beginning of the Millennium II, political power was divided giving rise to several States in the center Lambayeque and Chimú in the North and Chincha in the South. The latter articulated a vast network of trade from the Ecuador up to the Highlands.
The Inca Empire had articulated a vast network of trade from the Ecuador up to the Highlands. In 1438, the Inca Empire began its expansion to dominate, to the 16th century, the largest territory in the Western hemisphere.
In 1532, took place the conquest of Peru, led by Francisco Pizarro with support of some dissident peoples of the Empire. Later there occurred a civil war between Pathfinders until the definitive establishment of the Viceroyalty of Peru in 1572. The arrival of the Spaniards and the colonial era meant the introduction of the Catholic Church and an intense migration between Spaniards, Indians and blacks taken as slaves from Africa. During the 17TH century, mining dominated the mercantilist economy of the Viceroyalty.
The implementation of the aggressive Bourbon reforms in the 18th century encouraged successive revolts that led to the violent rebellion of Tupac Amaru II (1780-1781). The French invasion in Spain promoted the libertarian ideas in Peru, which declared its independence in 1821 and consolidated it in 1824 with the help of liberating movements of the South and North.
Traditionally, Peruvian history has been divided into pre-Columbian times, Colonial (after the conquest) and Republican (after independence) (after the conquest) and Republican (after independence)
Proclamation of the independence of Peru by Don José de San Martín our Peru has gone through different periods, stages, civilizations, conquests, economic crisis, wars, military governments, dictators and Democracy.
Peru is located on the West-Central coast of South America and sits between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes and the Amazon. It was the core of the largest pre-Columbian Empire in the entire American continent, having an area of 1.285.216 square kilometers and has a population of 22,048.356 inhabitants. Its capital city is Lima. Peru in tourist context has great biological diversity, dances, customs, Cultural Art and landscapes. Peru is also known for its gastronomy (cooking) worldwide and varieties on the coast, mountains and jungle.
Peru is divided into three large regions (Coastal, Mountains, Jungle):
The COASTAL region covers about 200 miles. It is an offshore narrow strip of desert which varies between about 30 and 150 Km wide including the territorial sea, Islands, sandy deserts and cultivated valleys of the coast. It has a very dry climate with temperatures between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. Its economy is highly diversified as most of the Peruvian Industry is located in the Capital, which make nearly 60% of the Peruvian population living in the Coast Region. The coast is divided in three sectors: North, Center and South. Cities to the North having a climate of the type Semi-Tropical (Tumbes, Piura), and from Lambayeque to Tacna: Sub-Tropical representing 12% of the surface land area.
The MOUNTAIN region is considered a Territorial Area that is above the 800 and 1000 meters above sea level. It is characterized by a morphology strongly eroded, with canyons and plateaus of different altitudes. Temperatures decrease with altitude and presents decreasing amounts of daily precipitations making vegetation scarce. The main cities of the Sierra are: Cusco, Puno, Huancavelica, Cajamarca, Apurimac and Junín, representing 20 percent of the surface area.
The JUNGLE region from the morphological point of view is distinguished by two areas (high and low). The High Jungle is formed by water that descends from the Andes and its high valleys have the best soil and are formed by terraces. In the low jungle, the climate is warm and humid. Its main cities are: Ucayali, Iquitos, Madre de Dios and Tarapoto.